
CLIENT: Deakin University and SESLHD (NSW Health)

How can you be confident as a clinician that the instructions you have given to your patient will be accurately applied once they leave your rooms? Approximately 30% of health complications occur because of a misunderstanding of information provided to patients, particularly around medication, or because advice from clinicians was ignored by the patient.

Teachback is a method of checking in with your patient, or whoever you are communicating with about what they have understood of your instructions. This is achieved by asking the patient to repeat back in their own words the instructions as they heard them. This easily identifies what critical content has been missed in the initial briefing. Breaking instructions into small ‘chunks’ is also part of the process.

Inky Smudge worked with Deakin University and the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District to translate the narrative of Teachback to an interactive learning module that would allow clinicians and administrators to test their understanding of the concept through a series of interactive puzzles and quizzes. In addition, the use of video demonstrations and custom graphical content with high production values keeps the viewer engaged, stimulates the learning experience, and increases memory retention of key Teachback principles.

Teachback was Inky Smudge’s first foray into eLearning since developing tools for NSW Health using Adobe Flash. Since Flash’s demise as a viable development tool, Inky has been working with HTML5, CSS3 and increasingly the Greensock animation platform to enhance the level and variety of interactivity within its learning platform.


Teachback Interactivity