Open Language
The Sydney Institute of Community Languages Education (SICLE) as part of Sydney University has been only too aware of the lack of resources available within their field. Not only a lack of resources but a means by which they might be shared from school to school. SICLE knew that there was a small but useful collection of resources currently being used by schools in isolation and looked for a way to facilitate the sharing of these resources between same-language schools. OpenLanguage was born to provide that need. Individual language groups appointed representatives to act as funnels for resources they thought might be useful in their language group. They would submit these resources to SICLE for review and one of their team would vet the content and if satisfied publish the resource to the website.
Inky Smudge then needed to find a way that would allow language teachers to search for and find resources that might match their needs, with only a few clicks. Language was obviously the first filter, followed by subject, followed finally by separation into Basic, Intermediate and Advanced educative levels.
Originally expecting approximately 200 resources added to the site, the project is now a repository for nearly 1400 and growing!